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Holly Shelton
Influenza Viruses
Dr Holly Shelton
Group Leader
High containment work (ACDP 3 and 4), Molecular Biology, Molecular Virology, Viral Diseases, Virology
Holly Shelton obtained her PhD at the University of Leeds in 2007. Holly then spend five years as a post-doctoral researcher in the laboratory of Professor Wendy at Imperial College where her amazement with the enigmatic influenza virus began. In 2011 she joined The Pirbright Institute as a research fellow to develop her own research group in the area of influenza virus transmission and pathogenesis, becoming the Group Leader in 2016. The research group is specifically interested in understanding which viral factors are important for transmission between hosts of the same species and of different species. This work makes use of reverse genetics to understand the how influenza proteins interact and manipulate host factors and what effect these interactions have on how the viral disease manifests itself.