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Jacqueline Smith
I completed my Ph.D. in genetics at The University of St. Andrews and then pursued my postdoctoral training in avian genomics at The Roslin Institute. I have recently been appointed as a Career Track Fellow within the Institute and continue to explore avian genomes; improving current assemblies and developing new ones. My interests lie primarily in examining the host response to avian viral infections and trying to understand the genetic mechanisms of resistance, particularly with regard to Marek’s Disease Virus and avian flu. Current flu projects are investigating resistance across species and within chickens. I also work as part of the Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH), which is a collaboration between The Roslin Institute, SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College) and ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute) in Africa. This work aims to improve backyard poultry production in sub-Saharan Africa by investigating the genetics of traits such as those related to environmental adaptation and disease resistance.